Tuesday, December 03, 2002

Men! Huh! What are they good for? Men! Huh! Absolutely nothing! Well some of them work in the factories that build dildos I suppose. But other than that my message is blunt: Sisters! Do it for yourselves! Unshackle the chains of male oppression and let's fight for equality! Banish men from the workplace and make them eat shit from the gutter outside! Force men to rear their own children whilst being beaten with a very large stick with nails in one end! Make it law that men have to suffer Fern Britton and Philip Schofield every morning whilst ironing our knickers and sucking the stains from our rancid old socks! Make them wear bras and panty hose and suspender belts that cut into their cellulite! Force them to wear lipstick and perfume and foundation! Kick them in the bollocks and ram cattle prods up their arses. Then put them all on a big boat, sail it out to sea and sink the bastards. They can all drown, the chauvernistic twats! Die you male scumbags! Die horribly with your lungs full of putrid water and your arseholes full of sperm! Shrivel and burst and then get eaten by sharks you penis-driven filthy stinking morons and then let's have your remains being fed to the sealions coated in chocolate.

That's all we're asking for. A bit of equality.