Tuesday, March 18, 2003

America just loves the odd international agreement

(1) Wednesday, 25 July, 2001 "The United States has refused to sign up to an international agreement designed to enforce a ban on the use of biological weapons.

Washington's representative to the United Nations-sponsored talks in Geneva said the US was unable to support the draft accord - the result of years of debate - because it would not achieve its goals and would hurt American interests.

Donald Mahley said: "In our assessment, the draft protocol would put national security and confidential business information at risk.

The unilateral move is likely to further antagonise Washington's European allies, who have already criticised the US for rejecting initiatives on climate change and the trade in small arms." SOURCE.

(2) U.S. refusal to sign the Kyoto Protocol. America is the largest polluter in the world with 4 per cent of the world's population; it discharges 25 per cent of the world's carbon dioxide.

(3)Objection to the establishment of the International Criminal Court.

(4) Those shits at the Security Council weren't playing ball on Draft Resolution #4245649/3a/00121-43492a/5462, so we took the ball and went home. Get nicked Kofi annan all your commo, kraut, russki, chinkie stooges of Jacques Chiraq! Me, Tony and Manuel from Barcelona ("Has he committed any troops other than those 2 Aussie diggers left over from the Boer War?") can make decisions for Australia by ourselves thank you very much!

Mmmm ... you flagged it Unka Brian ... in a different context (not one I suspect she would be familiar with ...UH-OH! ... with which she would be familiar) she would be called "a cock teaser". In this context I would just call her gutless, and demand that she be sent to Coventry by supporters of either side of the issue.

"With a war just hours away, the British Prime Minister was offered some respite with the news that International Development Secretary Clare Short would not be joining the list of ministerial resignations.

In an extraordinary statement, she said that she remained “very critical” of the British government’s handling of the Iraq crisis but had decided that it would be “cowardly” to quit at this stage."