Saturday, September 21, 2002

Secretly leaked follow up letter.

Dear Mr Hoossain,

As you, the big fatty boombah that you are, have not taken enny noters of my son Jorge's letter what he sent to you all last week this is gunna be your last chance. I right to you as "the mother of all primates", the "her indoors of all her indoors" and for the porpoise of this letter, the "She who must be obeyed of all she who must be obeyeds".

You now have no one to blame but youallself if my son unleashes his weapons of mass dysfunction on you and the whole Iroquois nation.

I have told Jorge not to take enny noters of what the Untied Nations inspectors do or say. We all know you have tons of stuff to wage comical warfare. We have seen from our secret satellite surveyllance all those photos and statues of you that have put up thinking that we would all die laughing at them. I can assure you that tactic WON'T werk. We Americans don't have a sense of humor. You can amuse some of the people some of the time and sum of the squares on the other two sides and some of my best friends are squares all of the time.

Bottom line, Jorge wants your shrivelled heathen knackers for bonsai paperweights.

Resistance is useless, all your goolies belong to U.S.

Yours in the name of God,

p.s. Yoo still smell, poo bum!!.

p.s.s.t There's a bounty on your gay moosetache, loser!