Thursday, October 31, 2002

I've just been watching the tail-end of an interview on Newsnight with the Australian Foreign Secretary. (Sorry...don't know his name...and judging by the fact that Newsnight didn't supply him with the usual caption, neither did they.)

During the interview he was asked about the discrepencies between Australia's need to appear centre-stage as far as the War on Terrorism goes (and therefore putting Australia forward as a major World power) and the despicable attitude that the Aussie government has been taking with regards to refugees. In particular the human-rights abuses (as condemned by the U.N.) that took place/are taking place within the detention camps.

In reply the Foreign Secretary said, "We can't have refugees taking over the country..." (Well that's understable. Australia's only a small place and it's really overcrowded as it is.) "We take an extremely tough stance on immigration and I'll make no apologies for that!"'s my message to the Australian Foreign Minister then: Fuck off you disgusting, choirboy sucking, racist...and I'll make no apologies for that.

Australian Information Services Inc.

More info on the delightful Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer. Eat your heart out Jackie Man O' Straw.