Wednesday, January 01, 2003

Around the World this morning (at least in the so-called Christian countries) as each time zone turned the midnight hour, celebrations and festivities, fireworks and music, bonking and barfing filled the air.

In Sydney the bridges were ablaze with colour, the word "Peace" illuminating one end of the harbour and the words "Off Refugees" the other.

In New York, despite interference from the Homeland Security, they celebrated in their usual decadent style.

Even battered old Bali put on a fine display of fat men in loin cloths doing whatever it is that the Balinese do.

Meanwhile in London...

...thousands of revellers found themselves shut out of Trafalgar Square, one sad little Roman Candle being the solitary, paltry offering to the New Year's Party as Big Ben struck twelve and the sparklers fizzled pathetically in the gloom.

How miserable can you get, huh?

By contrast Edinburgh was producing more smoke than the World Trade Centre a year and a half ago. There was singing and dancing and haggis and bristly buttocks being brandished from loose kilts and 'hoch ayes' and 'the noos' and celebrating into the small hours with traditional Hogmany excess and plenty of cheap whiskey. the risk of offending Green Fairy and every other Cockney sparrow who might frequent this board (what's the point in a good rant if you can't offend the odd person, eh?)...I can't help thinking that now you know what it feels like.

For decades every major construction undertaken in Britain by the government, from the Millennium Dome to the Ferris Wheel, from museums to art galleries to major libraries...they've all been built in frigging London and the rest of Britain could go take a flying shit, despite them being the product of our collective taxes. But last night...the rest of the country celebrated in style whilst London stewed in its own juices. (For more information about miserable bastards from London see 'Eastenders', 'The Bill', 'Casualty' and every other BBC bloody drama ever made.)

You know where the comments box is...please type softly...unlike some, I have a hangover....