Friday, December 06, 2002

Here we are, all these fossilised biddies clogging up this blog board and not one of the silly old bags protesting about the plans to scrap free bus passes for OAPs. Why I wonder?
Could it be that, in our sceptic isle (don’t you mean “septic”? Ed), there is a north/south class divide between biddies? Local spider monkeys and their spouses pay “concessionary” fares for a service that has gradually deteriorated over the last ten years. They are used to paying so hopefully won’t loose out as much as those who currently enjoy free travel (unless you get charged full rate!!!!). Public transport in general has been in rapid decline, privatised, unloved, with unprofitable routes withdrawn. Tone’s transport minister says that biddies won’t mind paying for an improved service.


All the scraping of free bus passes is going to achieve is that Tone’s pals who run the bus companies are going to carry on not providing a decent service and, at the same time, pocket valuable cash choked out of biddies on crappy pensions.
Here’s how to avoid Tone’s evil schemes to make you even worse off than you were before.
1) Fuck off to France
2) Get yourselves a REALLY good suntan
3) Learn to speak Arabic
4) Claim asylum in Britain
5) Laugh at all your fellow biddies who are too unimaginative to grab the free travel passes and housing you have just been granted.
6) Sue the British government for thousands because they expect you to heat your house and exist on the equivalent of an old aged pension!