Saturday, January 18, 2003

"An AC-Nielsen survey shows just 6 per cent of Australians would support Australian involvement in a US-led strike against Iraq."

THIS would indicate that there are quite a few more people in Australia with a better grip on grim reality than in other parts of the Commonwealth.

Editor's note: Following a debate between Tony Benn (who, obviously, takes a firm anti-war stance) and three tabloid editors (who don't) on Channel 5 news the night before last, a phone poll was taken to determine who the audience thought had the stronger argument. A staggering 98% voted in favour of Mr Benn and thus against the war. Interesting statistics when compared to the government led polls that claim that only 68% of the population are against the War...especially when you consider that the vast majority of New Labour M.P.s and a growing proportion of the cabinet are also against Blair's narrow-brained scheme. As far as I can see the only member of the Commonwealth (and I'm not counting Canada here because, well, they're Americans really as everyone knows...not quite as loud as their overweight neighbours but every bit as politically correct and dull) who doesn't seem to be taking up the anti-War banner is Zimbabwe...and that's because Mugabe has had everyone's television humanely destroyed.