Friday, February 14, 2003

From the Road to Damascus.

My epiphany has come. I have seen the light. How could I have been SO wrong?

Once the afterglow of my attendance at the Melbourne Rally for Peace had faded, I got ta thinkin'. In the cold light of dawn and after a slab of Foster's Cold Light, I realised this with blinding clarity. "Bugger me, George, Tony and John are the only ones who have got this whole thing right!"

It is a brilliant military, socio-political strategy. Surgically remove Saddam. In the process "colaterally damage" a goodly percentage of the millions of Iraqis who find Saddam as offensive, brutal and criminal as do the Coalition of the Rambos Willing.

Saddam is gone, loose ends are bulldozed into the ground, an American supremo rules the land, there is rejoicing in the streets street of Baghdad, liberated Iraqi mothers hold up bits of their children to wave at the saviours in khaki and peace reigns throughout the scorched earth land of oil and money milk and honey. An Iraqi population guaranteed to be forever grateful to their new overlords liberators. ("No hard feelings, cobber-effendi. I didn't really get on with most of the family, so I wasn't all that unhappy to see them get up close and personal with that smart bomb that didn't quite pass its '0' levels.")

Not a dry eye in the Whitehouse.


Now if only that Osama bloke would just stop giving us grief and bugger off. I've head from informed sauces ('Bearnaise Associated Press' and 'Alliance Tartare') that he has signed up for the Saudi Arabian series of "Survivor". All I can say is vote him off ... vote early and often. The Florida Electoral Commission is overseeing the poll. Victory is within our grasp!