Tuesday, February 11, 2003

   How soon will it be before a made for TV movie about how the hero remembers Iraq appears? The hero will be a tall muscular blonde man, probably American, or an ex-Eurotrash mechanic. He will have a girlfriend somewhere in the Eastern United States, she will be having problems with the distance he maintains from her even when he is in her presence, her eyes will be sad. He speaks in monosyllables when asked direct questions about the meaning of their relationship. He cannot help himself, he is the hero of the TV show. He will have a voice over remembering Iraq before the arrival of the attacking Blackhawks. The distant blue sky will fill with the needles of contrails. There will be an interruption of adds for large SUVs and amazing creams to rub on the skin that will turn you into a true beauty, directors will want you for their movies! There will be an add for a reality TV show about a normal day in the life of a crossing guard, or a coat room attendent. The hero will ramble on about what Iraq was like before Saddam, before the vast wastelands of biochemical warfare plants reduced stretches of desert into what looks like just outside of LA, or parts of New Jersey. He will have a small short wise cracking sidekick. The sidekick will be very greasy, short, with big eyebrows, he will probably be from Libya. They wil have a fight in a bar with thick tanned Marines, or Arabs, they will run from evil Moslim opponents with guns, they will be in a shoot out, explosions will occur at regular intervals. There will be pretty girls in bathing suits. There will be car chases with blonde models firing large bore handguns. More adds will interrupt the flow of your thinking. You will stare at the newspaper on the floor while the commercials for hair and toiletry products dance on the TV. Your phone will ring and a telemarketer will advance the proposition that you will contribute to a fund for the sad plight of over privileged youth. The show ill be continued next week. It is a special minimovie after all.