Tuesday, October 29, 2002

"The more destructive war becomes, the more fascinating we find it." - George Bernard Shaw.

"War is like love; it always finds a way." - Bertolt Brecht.

"Tweedledum and Tweedledee/ Agreed to have a battle./ For Tweedledum said Tweedledee/ Had spoilt his nice new rattle." - Lewis Carroll.

"I'd like to see the government get out of war altogether and leave the whole feud to private industry." - Joseph Heller in Catch 22.

"Television brought the brutality of war into the comfort of the living room. Vietnam was lost in the living rooms of America, not on the battlefields of Vietnam." - Marshall McLuhan.

"War will never cease until babies begin to come into the world with larger cerebrums and small adrenal glands." - H.L. Mencken.

"War is capitalism with the gloves off." - Tom Stoppard.

"All wars are popular for the first 30 days." - Arthur Schlesinger.

Quotes nicked from HERE. An article by the estimable Phillip Adams.