Tuesday, October 15, 2002

According to fundamentalist Christians (I won't mention any names) we should stop celebrating Halloween altogether because it invites Satan into our children's minds or something like that.

Click here if you want to suffer the Christian perspective of Halloween.

Like me, you'll probably become too bored and disinterested to finish reading this crap. I admit that, as a kid, I had a lot of fun with Halloween. I still attend parties with friends at the age of 35 and have a great time dressing up as absurdly as possible. I am certain none of this good time has anything to do with a fictional henchman doing the dirty work of a fictional god. I'd like to invite some of these fundamental extremist bedwetters to this year's Halloween bash and wait for the perfect moment when they're standing too close to the bonfire. Of course, before I could do them any real harm I'm sure the hand of the great white male fictional god of the Bible would drop from the sky and save their sorry asses. Right!

Hey...I think I actually just "ranted" about something! That's kind of fun!