Wednesday, September 04, 2002

A guest rant from one of my favorite Oz intellectuals.

"Go home to your kids"

This country is getting more ridiculous by the hour.

The top workplace relations bureaucrat in the kingdom has told managers to put their families first and knock off work early. He went even sillier and advised CEOs to order their workers to go home to their kids.

Yet again his Minister, Tony Abbott, has proved himself to be a soft cock by refusing to sack him.

The government has long been preaching family values but is dropping the ball in the shadows of the post.

What this country needs more than anything else is a kingdom based on the traditional nuclear, two-parent, normal, ordinary, decent Australian family.

The tradition is quite clear, two-parents, one of each of the two most popular sexes. None of this nonsense about a family being made up of people who love each other. Gareth and Cheryl seemed well fond of each other but I don’t hear anyone suggesting they procreate.

The tradition is also quite clear about the roles of the sexes involved. Men bring home the bacon and their wives somehow turn the bacon into food. And it’s the woman’s job to take care of the kids.

The only thing I ever learned from cooking programs is that too many cooks spoil the broth. Accordingly, it’s vital that men stay at work until their wives have completed the task of looking after the dependents for the day.

Scientists should do something useful for once, and develop a warning device that shows when kids have not only gone to bed but have entered deep sleep, or better still when they are old enough to hold an intelligent conversation, preferably with someone else, and in another place. Only then will it be safe for men to go home.

You know it makes sense.

I’m Sam Kekovich.