Sunday, October 20, 2002

Ahh...Sunday! God's day of rest.

Bone idle, lazy little bastard.

If he thinks he's going to spend all day with his feet up watching the cricket he's got another think coming! Look at the state of this place! Germ warfare everywhere. Untidy politics. Maggots running the world. Unwashed pots. Earthquakes, famine, floods and poverty. You can get off your fat omnipresent arse my lad and start sorting this lot out! Partying away all night with your fundamentalist friends. Look at the mess you've made! There'll be no more angels for you, Sonny Jim. Not until you actually do something good for a change. And there's no point in looking at me like that. Lazy little shit! As you're so fond of telling us, there's no rest for the wicked! So chop, chop you self-centred little deity. And don't forget to wash behind your big fat ears!

Whilst I'm here, hello Araminta and welcome to the arse-end of the web. You didn't pass the corpse of a Welshman on your way here, did you? He bears a passing resemblance to George Michael only a bit more gay...