Saturday, October 12, 2002

"War is stupid...and people are stupid."

Michael Jackson simultaneously explaining why people buy his crappy records and setting the Peace Movement back by several centuries.

"Thou shalt not Kill" and "If thine enemy strikes thee turn and offer him the other cheek."

The Bibble or something...obviously a book not digested and cogitated upon by George Born-Again Bush and Tony New-Labour-New-Christian Blair.

"I didn't bounce, I coughed," said Tigger.

"Bouncy or coffy, it's all the same at the bottom of the river."

The House at Pooh Corner...and having scoured the book from cover to cover I couldn't find anything more relevant to the current state of World Politics than that I'm afraid.

"What the f*ck is this?"

Michael Barrymore's swimming pool cleaner.