Monday, November 18, 2002

Come you lazy heathen bastards, you aren't praying hard enough ... the old harridan has rallied. The hospital says that she is now semi-consciously and deleriously muttering incomprehensible stuff. In my book that's a full bloody recovery, but I am clinging to the vain hope that for once in my life I am wrong about something.

Re. Education (Take off your glasses and let your hair down) Secretary Chuck Clarke.

Twisted Sister, I do think you are being just the tiniest bit harsh. The poor hard working chap is only trying to do a spot of benign social engineering with the fortunes of the next generation of kiddies and of the Labour Party at the next 10 elections in mind. Deep in your heart you know it is all for your own good. It is ungrateful people like you who lack community spirit and who won't lay down their lives and their children's lives for a greater good and would as a consequence of their selfishness, have Britain shackled with a Conservative government for generations immemorial. And you know in your heart of hearts if that were to happen you would be so much worse off.

"he proved to be very, very bright. He was “diagnosed” as an exceptional visual spatial learner. People with his ability make exceptional pilots, surgeons, cosmologists etc."

That's all very well and good, but there's a limited market for these people. In Australia we have managed to address this problem by making the rewards and support for these occupations minimal so that people who have slipped through the education filter and been allowed to develop their natural talents catch the first tram to America or Europe. They tend to be exceptionally successful in their new environment and the Australian government can sit back and say to the World, "See, told you. Australia is a very clever country". Chimney sweeps, nightsoil collectors, bus conductors, spin doctors, Labour voters and faithful family retainers, that's where the growth market is. Well it is over here ... and of course there is a never ending demand for highly educated guards at refugee detention centers.

It worries me that the lad is good at french ... NO good can come of that at all at all. Take a word from the wise and have his cedillas and agraves surgically removed immediately.