Wednesday, November 27, 2002

Unconventional Weapon to be Used on Saddam

Tony Bleugghh today unveiled his latest secret weapon in the War Against Terrorism and Iraq. Killer granny, Mary “Death on a Zimmer Frame” Urry, is famous for putting her enemies into therapy with a mere squint of her rheumy little eyes.
“Forget those useless old bags, Hughes and Farcus! I’ll have that rag-headed wog dictator, you mark my words,” she wheezed around her ill fitting dentures. “When I've finished with him he’ll stink of Vick and soiled incontinence pads for months.”
Mary declined to comment on exactly how she intended to solve the problem of Saddam but she hasn’t ruled out calling him nasty names, pelting him with Fisherman’s Friends and gurning through his palace windows at night.