Monday, November 11, 2002

While Dubya has his sights set on freeing the innocent oilfields of Iraq, other vested interests are poised to make a killing by removing certain herbal and folk remedies from the public domain.

A major target is Echinacea (Purple Coneflower), a North American plant whose root extract helps to overcome microbial and viral infections. It is also taken to maintain a healthy immune system. Its cheapness and availability is harmful to the wealth of pharmaceutical industry profits and therefore must not be available, over the counter, to people who believe standard cold remedies are outrageously over priced and completely useless.

These bastards put wealth before health but most people are too busy pickling their brains in aspartame to notice! Maybe if I put it about that Princess Diana’s fragile mental stability could be linked to her addiction to Diet Coke, people might finally realise that they are being poisoned for profit.