Tuesday, December 10, 2002

The “meeja” doth protest too much about the morals of German educational “anatomist” Dr. Massiv Frankenscheiser. The maligned doctor’s freak show of plastinated bodies and the much vilified public post mortem has made him a multi millionaire courtesy of the prurience of the rubber-necking masses in several countries. Put simply, he wouldn’t do what he does if he couldn’t make a comfortable living out of it.
While condemning the televised carving up of a body, journalists are outraged enough to print explicit pictures of the event every time their hypocrisy reaches new heights of moralistic indignation. By demanding that the doctor and his freak show should be banned all they are doing is serving the Mary Whitehouse Factor ensuring widespread publicity Frankenscheiser’s work.
I didn’t watch the televised highlights because I have seen the real thing all too often. Where I and Dr Frankenscheiser’s audience differ is that the post mortems I attended as a police offer were performed to ascertain the cause of death and not to pander to a load of ghouls who probably couldn't name the pieces of offal their host dangled gleefully in front of the cameras and knew even less about forensic pathology unless of course they watch Silent Witness in which case they’ll know everything!.
I wonder how they would have reacted if the cadaver, rather than having died as a result of alcohol abuse, had died by blowing his own head off or had suffered massive tissue damage/loss from a road accident? But then, the victim wouldn’t have been handed over to Frankenscheiser for the titillation of the paying public.