Tuesday, December 10, 2002


Scripture of the day: "As a deer longs for flowng (sic ... good to see some things don't change Uncle Brian) streams, so my soul longs for you, O God." Psalm 42:1

Don't buy any of those Hughes' stocking stuffer books ... BUY THIS INSTEAD!

"My father, Steve Langille, published a book about a friendly spider named Charles. It comes off like a children's book, but is also enjoyed by many adults. 2 thumbs up. You can purchase this book for $12 at Barnes and Noble or Amazon.com"

"Outstanding. From the first page to the last, many laughs and well written and put together. Light hearted humor and another way to appreciate and to look at spiders as friends, not enemies. The book is for everyone and a must read for sure."

The above review was by "Buddy, Lover of Nature". I'm not fooled, only Setev himself is capable of such ineffably beautiful prose. And if I'm wrong and I got it wrong and then I owe Buddy an apology and I offer it write hear and now and with no qualification and quite abjectly and contrightly.