Monday, April 28, 2003

Big Brother turns three

By Dale Paget
April 27, 2003

"THE reality TV series Big Brother has turned three and celebrated a new season of prime time voyeurism with a shapely duplex and its own police force.

With balloons flying, rain falling and fireworks blasting, the third season of Channel Ten's hit show launched with one eye on how many viewers would switch channels to the 60 Minutes Natasha Ryan interview.

A total of 16 contestants - including Queensland police detective Brett and former Victorian undercover detective Benjamin - will spend up to three months in two new purpose-built Big Brother houses next to Dreamworld.

In the first twist of the new series, only six of the 16 were given keys to the divided home.

The others, including detective Brett who will remain undercover until tomorrow, will be gradually allowed in over the next week."

What was the Editor lamenting? Reading? Tosh! ... put down that book right now. This is what we need to give the old grey matter a good working over. Tits, bums, shower scenes and horizontal progressive barndances.