Wednesday, April 09, 2003

War statistics 101.

WMD found: 0

WMD fired in anger: 0

Chemical/biological weapons found and verified: 0

Chemical/biological weapons fired in anger: 0

Chemical/biological weapons reported under "The Cry Wolf Act": 8

Saddams captured or killed: 0

Saddam doubles captured or killed: 0

Saddam double's doubles captured or killed: 0

Bin Ladens captured or killed: 0

Verified Al Qaeda operatives based in Iraq captured or killed: 0

Journalists killed: 11

Friendly fired and killed: Lots.

Iraqi civilians killed: Who knows? One site reports a maximum estimate of 1049 and a minimum of 876.

World leaders with incurable priapism: A minimum of three.

Geneva Conventions flouted by both sides: "Geneva whats?"

US corporations who are lined up to turn the reconstruction of Iraq into a nice little earner: "You can't prove we made any donations to George's campaign fund!"

One young, undoubtedly grateful Iraqi civilian who won't be attending the "Liberation" party: